
Very quickly, the stadiums begin to fill up with thousands upon thousands of people flooding into them from the entrances. Meanwhile the entry that we had entered through vanishes and fireworks begin to explode in the air as a vast screen appears high above our heads. One showing each one of us competitors.

Right as I’m studying everything, I feel something impacting my side, bringing my gaze down to find Aria hugging me.

I blink in surprise for a second before patting her head and looking up again.

Almost forgot she was contracted with a royal fae.

She should be Class II right now, so I hope she doesn’t get hurt in any of the combat competitions.

“She’s smart enough to avoid danger,” Tar comments while landing on my shoulder. And I nod my head in agreement with that.


I glance around to find the people filling the stadium bleachers cheering and practically screaming in excitement at the sight of their favorite Guardians and demons. Or, most likely in the demons cases, the Demon King, myself, and the Demon Lords.

Anyways, the screen above us constantly changes to show each competitor individually while occasionally also showing everyone together, or just groups of competitors standing near each other.

After several minutes of this, letting the stadium fill to the brim, the arena at the bottom of the stadium begins to shift. The ground dips down except around each competitor, making towers form beneath each of the 43 competitors before the towers move to an equal distance between each of us, forming a vast circle. Then the towers rise in height, bringing us a little above the bleachers.

Incredibly high in the air.

I hurriedly look for Aria, but to my surprise she looks just fine.

Good. She’s not afraid of heights.


I try to look through the roaring crowds and quickly find that the humans and demons are generally separated with a bit of a divide between them. Although there are some demons on the human side and vice versa. Most are on their own sides, with a bit of a divide of empty seats between them.

Makes sense that calling an end to the war isn’t enough to end all grievances.

The humans are also sending absolutely terrified gazes towards the Demon King. Which also makes sense since this is the first time the humans have seen him outside of vague depictions made by the Knights.

When I look at Gramps though, I just find him smiling in my direction and waving.

An act that sends a wave of flinches and fear through the humans who think he’s probably up to something. Not just waving casually at his granddaughter.

I give a wry smile back, feeling more than a little awkward before I turn my attention back to King Oberon the moment he begins to speak.

All across both Earth and Tartarus

Nearly every last demon and human across both Earth and Tartarus turn their gazes towards the sky as a massive screen appears periodically through the air and a powerful voice rings out through the planets.

“Hence forth, the Tournament to decide the next Fae King is officially opening! Welcome those fae and contractors here and beyond, for you will see a once in a lifetime event!”

On the screen, the humans and demons can see a large dragon floating in the air with its wings outstretched in an opening manner. And floating next to the dragon is the Demon King. Yet despite the humans never having seen the man, every last one recognizes him in an instant on pure instinct.

The screen quickly changes to scroll through the forty three competitors who are already on the towers.

“As according to my previous announcements, this tournament will decide who I will be abdicating my throne to! It was created personally by the previous queen, Queen Titania, as a method to fairly choose the next fae ruler!” the Fae King’s voice echoes across the planets. “There will be a total of thirty competitions! Ten of them will be to test the combat skill and power of the fae's contracted partner. Ten of them will be to test the intellect and problem solving of the fae's partner along with the fae themselves as they work together. And ten of them will be to test the fae alone and determine their worthiness of the throne!”

Voices begin to whisper all across the planets as humans and demons alike talk amongst themselves about the announcement. But they go silent again when the king continues.

“Of the three types of competitions, each will have a single main competition at the very end of the ten competitions for its type, marking the tenth competition. These three competitions will give far more points than the other competitions, and the combat main competition will be to the death with anti-death clause and surrendering allowed.” The screen once again changes, but this time moves to show the entire stadium along with the millions of people now filling the bleachers. With the vast majority of them being demons, showcasing just how much the demons outnumber the humans in both populace and personal strength. “The exact rules and rewards for each competition will be declared before the competition begins. Every competition will give a participation bonus to all of the competitors through the means of however many points the competitors earn during the competition through the specified means in the rules.”

As the Fae King talks, the demons and humans all around Earth and Tartarus grow more and more excited for the competition. Meanwhile the contractors who haven’t already entered the universe through their fae continue to do so, leaving a vast majority of Tartarus barren of people, while Earth only misses its Guardians.

Then the Fae King’s draconic eyes narrow as he finishes the introduction, “Now, for the moment that you all have been waiting for!” The Demon King begins to grin next to the Fae King, the man feeling amused by how excited his partner is becoming. “I will introduce each one of our competitors to you all!”