
“You’re kidding me,” I state without a hint of emotion in my face or voice as I stare at the general in front of me. “You have to be.”

He shakes his head and glances at the PR representative of the military and the PR council member for the government who are both standing next to him. And he doesn’t say a single word.

“Your Highness,” the military’s representative says, sounding both formal and respectful at the same time just like most other members of the military I’ve seen. People who respect me perhaps a bit too much. “The people are finally growing calm once again, and it’s all thanks to you. But due to the safety of the reporters, we haven’t allowed any of them near the frontlines. So there are precious few recordings of your leading on the frontlines. Of the hope you’re bringing the soldiers.”

“We must ask you to lead an army with several reporters amongst them into the frontlines to boost the morale of the people, Scarlet Art Asger de Archeron,” the government’s PR council member states, not bothering to hide his animosity towards me. A vastly different attitude than the military’s PR rep has.

I completely ignore the government’s rep, deciding that the man isn’t important enough to even bother caring about as I focus on the general and coldly state, “You aren’t joking.”

The general simply sighs and opens his mouth to speak, only for the government’s representative to start speaking instead, saying, “You will perform this task lest you-”


He cuts off as I raise my hand, using Blood Control on him directly – something I haven’t’ done before on anyone – to force him to shut his mouth. Something he isn’t exactly pleased about, but I don’t give a shit as I continue to control him, forcing him to walk out of the room. All without even so much as glancing at the Class IV government council member who is only at the low level seven hundreds.

“Explain, general,” I state, my voice void of any emotions right now.

The idea of taking a bunch of reporters into battle and leading a damned army to fight against the demons is fucking ridiculous. Not only is it a waste of my time that could be spent fighting the demons and leveling up, but it’s also a major security risk in regard to the reporters themselves. Because I have no way to know if they are planning on betraying us in some way to the demons, nor do I feel like taking responsibility for them if they end up hurt or dead during the battle.

And that’s not even mentioning the whole leading an army thing. Something I’ve never done before.

“Calm down, Scarlet,” the general says with a placating gesture that has my eyes narrowing a bit more. “All you’re expected to do is lead the charge in the attack. The targets of the operation won’t need a masterfully thought-out plan to take on. You could probably kill them all yourself if you were given the chance. We just need the reporters to see and record you ‘leading’ a force of human Guardians against the demons. Recordings of each of your forms, preferably. To show you off to the people.”

I scowl at the man, but I can understand his thinking. Morale has shot up in the army thanks to me, but the civilians don’t really see what I’m doing firsthand. All they’re getting is second-hand information, being told repeatedly that I’m fighting. And while there have been a few recordings of me around, those were all taken by soldiers without any commentary and without any professional recording involved.


In fact, I’m pretty sure I’ve heard about some people trying to slander my name again, saying that the government and military are only saying that I’m doing all of this but in reality I’m not doing anything. That I’m just some sort of figurehead made to look pretty for the people and give hope without actually doing anything.

Which is absolutely ridiculous, considering the Universal Notifications I’ve had over the years quite literally painting proof in front of their faces. But some people just have a lower IQ than they have number of brains.

“I thought normal humans only had one brain?” Tar comments from his place in the in-between.


He snorts in amusement.

“Whether I agree to this depends on the operation in question,” I eventually state, not even bothering to act like I’m under his command or anything. Since I’m under no obligation to follow his orders.

The only reason I’d consider it is if I get something from this.

“The operation is a simple one,” the general states, not phased in the slightest by my bluntness. “A force off demons under the lead of two noble vampires is marching along the northern coast of old-world Russia towards our northernmost base, which is currently without any Class V Guardians to defend it. And we need you to take on both of the Noble vampires for us.”

I tap my foot for a few seconds, only briefly glancing at the door as I feel the idiot council member trying to break free from my Blood Control skill still before I look back at the general again and ask, “Give me details.”

“The two Nobles are a viscount and a viscountess, both at the very beginning of their rankings at around levels 1202 and 1204, and they’re twins,” the general immediately gets down to explaining. “The forces under them are all vampires as well thanks to their lack of sensitivity to the cold, and they’re all Class IV demons. Meaning your forces that you’ll be leading will all be Class IV and III Guardians.”

Class IV Guardians to deal with the Class IV demons and Class III Guardians to deal with any summons or minions the Class IV demons may have.

I purse my lips for eventually sighing and saying, “Alright, I’ll agree to this. But my top priority are the two Nobles. Not any of the humans or the Class IV demons.”

It’s hard to catch the Nobles off guard to kill them myself, considering how they always tend to run away. Which is annoying.

So having two of them marked will help. And they should be a low enough level for me to kill them. Even if they’re together.

“It’s much appreciated, Your Highness,” the general says with a light nod of his head.

Guess I’m going back to a very cold climate then.

“Um, Your Highness,” the military PR representative hesitantly comments, bringing my gaze towards him to find him looking at the door before he glances at me. “Would you mind setting the council member free?”

I glance at the door myself before snapping my fingers, making the man walk away. Which makes the military PR rep look a little nervous.

“Sure,” I tell him. “After he’s left the base.”

Tar snorts as I feel a small smirk stretching across my face.