Yeah, Sparkledouche is bonkers. Gone, not that well. He said adios to his sanity and jumped over the cliff. He locked it up and threw the key away. No matter how much he tries to cling to what I guess is life from before the Decay, he is not normal.

I don't know if it's caused by the Decay or by thousands of years of life, and to be honest, I do not care that much. He is someone that we will need to deal with.

I spent an hour running around the inner city. I practice my poor man's version of flying, but I also try to look for any signs of life. There are none. I also didn't find any burial grounds, no skeletons, no corpses. I try to check the tower as well, but the moment I reach out towards it with my mana, I get attacked by something that felt like a slap for sticking my nose where I should not.

So my current suspicion is that only the king, Saint, and three warriors remain, and they were like this for god knows how long.

The last people from the old order clinging to life in their beautiful yet so sickeningly fake city.

It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But it doesn't matter. The objective of the Floor quest is clear: Put the saint to final rest, and I will do just that. It doesn't matter if it will finish this place, destroying the barrier that keeps them safe against Decay.

There is also the option of staying in this place for the remaining 5 years and then getting summoned back to Earth. It's something that I already refused.


I need to push ahead, get stronger, and not be held back by some pity for the shadows of the people who have most likely already been dead for thousands of years.

Now then, back to theorizing. I was once again thinking about my trait. A trait is something I got on the first floor, and humans can have only 3 traits with the possibility of strengthening each of these traits. I already strengthened mine once.

Mana Circuit (Passive) This integrates a network of mana channels throughout the user's body, optimizing the distribution of mana and amplifying the power of their mana-based abilities without additional mana consumption. This enhancement allows the user to draw upon their mana more efficiently, resulting in more potent spells and abilities while reducing overall mana expenditure. The effect of strengthening: Increased Mana Density: The Mana Circuit can now hold a greater density of mana, effectively increasing the user's mana capacity and the power of their mana-based abilities.

I'm still quite happy with it as I've noticed plenty of times the difference between my handling of mana and the handling of mana of others. Of course, [Mana Manipulation] helps a lot, but the trait is also important.

Currently, I'm looking at the trait as some sort of strong passive that is possible to upgrade. Up until now, I didn't see any way of upgrading passive skills other than the upgrade token which seems to be super rare, and I wouldn't be surprised if I don't see that upgrade token ever again.

So, the trait is a passive that is possible to upgrade, but right now, it feels weak. I mean, you can have only 3 of them, so they better get stronger in the future. But to be honest, even the current Mana Circuit trait feels stronger than the rare-graded passive, Mana Flow, that I got some time ago. So maybe they are not that bad?


Another theory is that traits are changing the body while passives are just using possibilities that already exist inside the body. More observation is needed.

I snap back to reality and start listening to the others inside the living room, which all of us occupy late at night. The room is lit by a few dim lamps only, and there is plenty of food, and drinks on the table. Even the mood seems decently nice.

I'm sitting in the corner in a massive armchair that I declared mine, and Biscuit is here as well, for which I'm rewarded with a few glances from Isabella. I also think that she used her fire skill to pull some warmth from the air around me in a similar way I do with my skill.

Instead of disrupting her attack, I just turn some kinetic energy of my kinetic mana heart into thermal and send it through my body, feeling a nice, comfortable warmth spread through. Biscuit seems to like it as well and snuggles closer, his eyes still closed.

I reach out and flop his ears a few times and pet his head, to which he breathes out gently and continues to sleep.


"Want some?" Tess, who's split from the group, gives me a glass filled with some drink. "It doesn't contain a lot of alcohol and it tastes really nice. No idea though what it is." She shrugs her shoulders, and I take the glass, taking a sip.

"Mmm, I like it."

"I will bring you more," Tess smiles at me.

Before she leaves, I stop her, "Tess, some time ago you told me that I have changed, but I think you've also changed a little bit," I say quietly while using [Resonance] to make sure no one behind Tess hears it.

She pauses for a moment, and I can see that she's thinking, "Maybe? Or maybe it is easier to be myself," she continues to look at me. Her mana reaches out, and she also adds to my [Resonance] with her [Psychokinesis], totally isolating us from the others.

I'm sitting, and she stands just a bit in front of me.

"You know about camaraderie in the army, Nat?" she starts, and I shake my head, so she continues, "In the army, some soldiers on active duty, the ones we send to fight outside of our country, often spend a lot of time together. They fight, they risk their lives, and they learn to trust each other. It takes a while, but camaraderie builds between them. They eat together, they talk together, they fight together. They rely on each other; they all go through the same experiences, and that's what connects them."

She moves a bit closer, squats, and starts poking Biscuit's belly while still looking at me. "From what I've heard, for these men, it feels like everything they do matters. They feel alive, they feel companionship. It's like they fit somewhere and people need them."

Biscuit opens one eye, and seeing it's Tess, he closes it again.

"The sad part for some of them is having to return back. Leaving their brothers in arms, and going back to their old lives. It's safe, they don't have to fight, they are not scared of some random attack, but there is something missing. The relationships they now have feel so weak, so fake, so shallow in comparison to the ones forged in life and death situations."

Tess stands up and smiles at me, "So, Nat, you might not feel it yet, because you like to avoid people, but it's different for me. This place is dangerous, and I could die at any time. And yes, it would be much safer if I just stayed with you. The two of us could easily climb the floors and survive the tutorial and Beyond. I know that. But Nat, I'm starting to feel like I care for others. Kids, Maya, Hadwin, and even Sophie. No one is normal, and some of us are murderers. We don't even trust each other yet." She moves a strand of her blonde hair off her face, and her eyes feel like they are piercing me, "But I, too, am not without any mistakes. I want to befriend them, and I want us to go through this adventure together. Through this dangerous, at times sad and shitty adventure."

Tess then leaves, her skill stops blocking the sounds, and I'm left sitting there and thinking.

As for her decision, it's up to her either way. She can do whatever she wants and then deal with consequences or be happy with results. And me? I'm not good at this so that's for future Nathaniel to deal with. Step by step.

Soon they become too loud for my taste, so I stand up and leave. Time for a nice warm shower before I get to sleep for an hour or two.

POV Sophie Martinez

The moment Nathaniel leaves, I notice that Lily's mood becomes a bit less cheery, and the look in her eyes changes a bit as she looks at Tess, who is already sitting with us after talking with Nathaniel. I would like to know what they talked about that they needed to combine two skills for us to not hear, but it seems that Lily is even more curious.

"Are you sure you are not dating Nat, Tess?" Lily asks.

Oho, this is interesting. It's been a while since I listened to some relationship drama. My ears perk up, and I pay more attention to them. After days when we could die at any time, this feels refreshing. Currently, there are only Maya, Tess, Isabella sleeping with her head on my lap, and Lily. Hadwin and the boys left soon after Nathaniel.

"Lily, you don't have to worry. As I said, there isn't such a relationship between me and Nat."

My gaze switches back to Lily, who pouts slightly. "I am not worried or anything, Tess," Lily says.

At that moment, Tess reveals a bit of her sometimes cheeky side and pokes at the younger girl, "Maybe I'm more interested in someone else, Lily." As Tess says so, her eyes change a bit, and her smile becomes... dangerous.

Tess is tall; her hair is a beautiful shade of blond, and her contours are sharp. And as she stares down at Lily, I can say without hesitation that Tess is pretty. It's not a traditional beauty, but she is.

Maybe it is the alcohol we are drinking that makes all of us a bit more open and in control of ourselves, but I'm starting to enjoy it. The stuff we drink must be special to cause this to us even though we have strengthened bodies.

"Tess?" Lily seems almost scared as Tess reaches out and caresses her chin.

Tess then laughs shortly and stops, "Sorry, Lily, I had to tease you a little bit. I hope you don't mind." Her eyes seem to be smiling even as she says so.

"What do you even see in Nathaniel, Lily?" Maya joins the conversation. She is the oldest one among us and probably the most experienced when it comes to relationships.

"He is handsome," Lily says shortly.


"And the look in his eyes when he gets serious. It's like he is looking down at the entire world and challenging it. It's hot."

What, what, what?

Unknowing what I'm doing, I straighten up my posture and listen carefully. Is the girl I thought fell for Nathaniel because he saved her from being thrown at Cinderbear just going after his looks? Sure, he is somewhat handsome, especially now when he is wearing these clothes that fit him so well, and his face becomes somewhat softer when he is in a good mood.

But really? That guy is a maniac.

"Lily, stop joking and do not tease Sophie that much," Tess giggles and turns to me. Maya joins as well, and Lily looks at me, her eyes shining deviously.


"You have to be careful, Sophie. Innocent little Lily might not look like it, but she can be quite cheeky at times. You will get used to it." Tess says.

Lily is sitting here, smiling slightly, but I remember the look in her eyes when she talked about Nathaniel and the way she looks at him. Are you really sure she was joking, Tess?

Then the conversation continues, and I notice how carefully Tess manipulates it. She is friendly but not too nosy, and she leads the conversation to things that are easy to share or smile at while avoiding dangerous topics.

It's not like distrust between us has disappeared or as if we became best friends, not even friends. They still seem distant because of what I did before and because my skill that makes them nervous, but the atmosphere between us feels slightly lightened, just a bit.

I notice myself joining more and more in Tess's carefully controlled conversations.

After another thirty minutes I catch myself smiling and only then do I realize how much I missed pointless conversations like this.